Worksheets SILLY SYLLABLES Phonics Worksheets (Karen's Kids Printables)
Worksheets SILLY SYLLABLES Phonics Worksheets (Karen's Kids Printables)
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MORNING WORK Silly Syllables for October
Karen's Kids Silly Syllables morning work is a 3-page fun phonemic awareness mini activity for October. Students read words, count syllables, count the number of letters in words and record their findings. October-themed pictures help students decode words. This is a perfect October Treat. These worksheets are great for distance learning, early finishers, and substitutes.
There are 3 pages. Each page is divided into 6 spaces. Each space includes an image and a related word (pumpkin and a picture of a pumpkin). Students count the letters in each word and the number of syllables and then they record the numbers in the boxes provided. There is a space at the bottom of each page for students to draw some (October/Fall/Halloween) things.
- fall: Wagon full of kids, falling leaves
- scarecrow: Scarecrow head, hands and scarf
- wheat: A bundle of wheat
- school: A school house, flag and bunches of kids
- acorn: A large acorn with a child peeking over the top
- leaves: A child sitting in a tree
- pumpkin: A large pumpkin with stem and leaves
- crow: A big crow
- cat: A cat with a spider hanging from its tail
- apple: A large apple with kids peeking around it
- spiderweb: A big spiderweb and a spider
- October: The word OCTOBER in bubble letters
- spider: A big, fat spider
- costumes: 3 kids dressed in costumes
- Halloween: A child inside of a BIG pumpkin with a pumpkin lid on his head
- boo: 2 pumpkins with a spider creeping down the page
- moonlight: A moon and stars
- jack-o-lantern: A funny-faced carved pumpkin
The worksheets are ideal for Kindergarten and 1st Grade. However, these worksheets can also be used for younger students who read and for students who are beginning readers working in groups with reading buddies or volunteers.
Hello and Welcome,
Whether you DIY with clip art or you prefer ready to use - WELCOME! Karen’s Kids products are decorated with with band aids, untied shoes, and sticky fingers. Karen’s Kids products are created for teachers and parents by a mom, grandma, and teacher. I hope Karen’s Kids printables and ready-to-use will be as much fun for you to use as they are for me to create. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you have about your product.
Karen Frandsen
Karen’s Kids Studio
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